


Michiana Bird Society Membership:
Everyone’s dues expire at the same time, April 1st of each year.
A single membership is $18.00 and a family membership is $24.00.
New member’s dues for joining in months other than April are as follows:
 For the first time only, after the first renewal they will be from April to April:
                       Individual:                  Family:               Expires in:
January                   $22.50                          $30.00              15 months
February                  $21.00                          $28.00              14 months
March                     $19.50                          $26.00              13 months
April                     $18.00                          $24.00              12 months
May                       $16.50                          $22.00              11 months
June                      $15.00                          $20.00              10 months
July                      $13.50                          $18.00               9 months
August                    $12.00                          $16.00               8 months
September                 $10.50                          $14.00               7 months
October                   $ 9.00                          $12.00               6 months
November                  $ 7.50                          $10.00               5 months
December                  $ 6.00                          $ 8.00               4 months
Member benefits:
Monthly meetings for interaction with other bird owners.
The Cage Bottom News,
(our official monthly publication containing avian information and education)
Free advertising for members in our publication
Guest speakers periodically
Annual well bird clinic
Access to our extensive library
Annual bird fair – free to members who work at the fair
Holiday dinner and summer picnic
Occasional field trips
Member Application

Meetings second Sunday of the month (unless otherwise notified)
at Willowcreek United Methodist Church,
14010 Jefferson Road, Mishawaka, In
2:30 PM Indiana time.
Building is handicap accessible.